Priyanka Chopra Sorry for Quantico Hindu Plotline

Indian actress Priyanka Chopra has apologised after outrage over a plotline on her US TV series Quantico. A recent episode of the spy thriller showed the main character, played by Ms Chopra, thwarting a plot hatched by Hindus ahead of a summit on Kashmir. Many Indian fans were outraged by the show’s story and attacked her online. Ms Chopra declared herself a “proud Indian” in a tweet and “extremely saddened” by any hurt caused by the show.

The episode, The Blood of Romeo, aired on 1 June and showed the main character, Alex Parrish, stopping an attempted terror attack. Though ostensibly planned by Pakistanis ahead of a summit about Kashmir, the disputed territory in the Himalayas claimed by India and Pakistan, Ms Chopra’s character discovers it is, in fact, Hindu nationalists trying to frame the Pakistanis.

Nuclear-armed Pakistan and India have fought two wars over the Kashmir region since partition in 1947. Fans reacted with fury online after the episode aired, with some declaring Ms Chopra “an insult to India” and the episode an attack on Hindus. In a statement, ABC apologised for stepping into “a complex political issue” and defended Ms Chopra from the attacks online, clarifying she did not write, direct or cast the show, and nor does she have any input over plots.

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